The Sims 4 Cash Register

The Sims 4 is the life simulation game that gives you the power to create and control people. Experience the creativity, humor, escape, and the freedom to play with life in The Sims 4. Try the Create A Sim demo to create your own Sim! Create A Sim Demo Create Unique Sims. The Sims 4 using tablets isn't too bad in my opinion, although it would be nice if the cash register worked otherwise it's just a decorative item or it may have interactions that make it useful in other ways but it just makes The Sims 4 different from past games, you can stick to the past but most things are headed for the future.

With The Sims 4: Get to Work, your sims are able to own their own retail business. It could be a toy store, a furniture store, or whatever your heart desires.

A huge part of this system is the retail perk points that are rewarded when you do retail interactions and grow your business. You can purchase retail perks to make your business run more smoothly, and grow your customer base.

  • April 2015 in The Sims 4 Packs Discussion They didn't answer this in the Ask a Guru today so I'll ask here and hope someone knows the answer. Since cash registers are essential for operating a store, do they have to be placed on a check out counter or can they be placed on another surface (using moveobjects if necessary) and still work as intended?
  • Register This mod alters the rules governing role assignment in the game, allowing sims to maintain regular careers without losing their roles. In addition, it provides the ability to select which sim you want to perform specific roles in town.
  • First time buying a retail store in the sims 4. No matter what surface I buy, it will not let me place a cash register. I tried a retail counter, a kitchen counter/island, a dining table, an end table, a coffee table. I cannot figure this out.

How to Gain Perk Points

There are a number of ways for you to earn perk points in The Sims 4: Get to Work. The first is to do any retail interaction with customers, so any sales interactions. This will give your sims 5 points.

Next, making a sale is going to get you 15 retail perk points. Finally, you’ll get 10 retail perk points to restock an item. Unfortunately, you won’t get points when your employees are doing the restocking or selling for you, only when you are actively working on your business.

Types of Retail Perks

Placard: My First Simoleon

Unlocks a decorative wall object that celebrates the store’s initial success. Check the “Retail Items” section of Build Mode

This item is the least expensive retail perk that costs just 50 perk points. It’s a small plaque that you can hang on the wall of your establishment to show off the first simoleon you ever made in your business. It’s not a necessity to make your business better, but it will look great on the wall.

Provocative Pedestal

Unlocks a new pedestal object to display various items for sale on. Check the “Retail Items” section of Build Mode

This retail perk is going to cost you a whopping 100 perk points. It is a nicer version of the pedestals you are able to buy to display items inside your retail establishment. It isn’t a total necessity as you can put items on a number of surfaces.

Stunning Sign

“Unlocks a new sign which can be placed in your store to attract more customers. Check the “Retail Items” section of Build Mode”

Everybody wants a cool sign for their business, and you can buy the option to have one for 150 perk points. It’s just a snazzy, stunning sign, so enjoy!

Snazzy Shirt


Unlocks an additional shirt for men and women that’s ideal as an employee uniform.

This perk is a snazzy shirt for your employees to wear as a uniform. Both for feminine and masculine sims. This is going to cost you 200 perk points to unlock.

Register of Tomorrow

“Unlocks the Suros Pecuniary Cash Register; perfect for use in modern upscale stores. It’s the register of tomorrow… today. Check the “Retail Items” section of Build Mode.”

This retail perk is going to cost your sim 250 retail perk points and will give a more upscale, fancy feeling to your sim’s retail store.

Superfluous Surplus

“The store’s supplier ordered too much inventory, and they’re temporarily reducing prices to clear space! The cost of restocking items will be reduced for 12 hours. This perk can be repurchased again in the future.”

This retail perk is more unique since it has an expiration time. For 12 in game hours you will have a lower cost for restocking items in store which will allow you to save a ton of simoleons. It’s going to cost you 300 perk points but can be purchased multiple times if you want.

Additional Employee #1

“Unlocks the ability to hire one additional employee within the Manage Employees window.”

This is going to be the most valuable retail perk that you can purchase in the early days of your business. More employees who are skilled will make your business run seamlessly. This perk is going to cost you 350 perk points but is well worth it.

Faster Restocking #1

“Slightly reduces the time it takes members of the household to restock sold items.”

Restocking is one of the most time consuming things in the retail system in The Sims 4: Get to Work. Being able to purchase a retail perk that makes this process go much quicker. There are two levels to this, this one which costs 400 perk points and a second that is going to cost you 1400 perk points.

Faster Checkouts #1

“Household members will ring up customers that are ready to purchase an item a bit faster.”

This perk is an absolute necessity and will bring your checkout time down by quite a bit allowing you to have more time to make more sales. It’s going to cost 450 perk points but those will be earned back in no time with the added time to do other things.

Placard: Fobbs 500

“Unlocks a decorative wall object that celebrates the store’s ultimate domination of the marketplace. Check the “Retail Items” section of Build Mode.”

This is another one that is not necessary but can be cute on the wall. I would wait until you’ve purchased more valuable ones. This costs 500 perk points.

Curious Shopper

“Customers will spend more time browsing the items for sale in the store before they decide to leave.”

Curious shopper is great because it will keep customers in the store longer so you have more time to sell to everyone and make more money. This one costs 1000 perk points.

Mega Manager

“Management social interactions performed on store employees will have greater chance of succeeding.”

This perk point is not totally necessary, but can be helpful in organizing your employees. You’ll be able to succeed more often when managing your employees and it will cost you 1100 perk points.

Additional Employee #2

“Unlocks the ability to hire one additional employee within the Manage Employees window.”

Having more employees is always a benefit in the game, unless you are yet to be making a profit, so don’t purchase this unless you are earning consistent money from your business. This perk will cost you 1200 perk points.

Serious Shopper

Customers will have a greater desire to purchase an item when they first enter the store.

The serious shopper perk point is going to cost you 1300 perk points and will make it so much easier to get people to purchase items in your retail store. This is a great perk point because customers are going to enter and be focused on the goal of buying which will save you money when having to interact with them.

Faster Checkouts #2

“Household members will rung up customers that are ready to purchase an item much faster.”

This perk point is going to allow any member of your household to check out different customers much quicker than before and is the second of two faster checkout perks. This one is going to cost 1400 perk points.

Faster Restocking #2

“Greatly reduces the time it takes members of the household to restock sold items.”

This is the second of two faster restocking perks that you can purchase, this is a good one because restocking takes a lot of time in the game so you can move way faster if you purchase this for 1400 perk points.

Sure Sale

“Unlocks the “Sure Sale” social interaction, which guarantees a customer will purchase an item when used on them.”

This perk point is insanely valuable because you’ll unlock sure sale making customers buy something no matter what before they leave the building. This one is going to cost you 2000 perk points.

Slick Salesmen

“Retail socials used on customers will have a greater chance of succeeding”

Being a good salesperson is really important if you want to succeed in retail. Having this perk purchased will make your retail interactions go much more smoothly which will help you make more sales. It’s going to cost 2100 perk points to purchase.

Instant Restocking

“Members of the household will be able to instantly restock items.”

This is an awesome perk because it will eliminate the wait time for your sims to restock items. They will be able to instantly restock all items! It’s going to cost a hefty 2200 perk points but the time saved will earn you much more simoleons.

Cheaper Restocking

Sims 4 Gift Card

Reduces the price of restocking items.

The Sims 4 Cash Register Login

Restocking is one of the more expensive things in your business, so having the price reduced for the cost forever is valuable. This perk point is going to cost you 2500 perk points but will be well worth it in the long run.

Retail Perk Cheats

These cheats are going to automatically unlock any of the above retail perk points. Before typing this in you need to first enable cheats. You can hit ctrl + shift + c on your keyboard, then type in testingcheats true and hit enter. This will enable cheats. Then you can type any of these cheats into the box to use them.

Final Thoughts

These perk points are a total necessity for the retail system from get to work and can really make your business run like a charm. It’s a great system and the cheats make it even easier. Happy playing!

How to sell, purge, and manage your Sim’s personal inventory & household inventory

Manage your Sim’s personal inventory or household inventory, reduce inventory, deal with high bills&stuck inventory items, or purge inventory.

Got junk? Want to purge it?

If your game is bogged down by too much household or personal inventory, here are several ways to delete &/or sell it.

Sell Your Sims’ Personal Inventory

There are now single and multi select sell options…

  • To sell an item in your Sim’s personal inventory:
    When your Sim is the active Sim, click the box icon on the lower right to open the personal inventory pop-up window.
  • Select and drag a single item to be sold to the ‘sell’ icon/box (with the cash register) and confirm that you want to sell:
  • If you have multiple copies of an item that you want to sell, the simplest way to sell is to:
    1. Open personal inventory
    2. Click the ‘stack’ of the items
    (a stack is grouping of the same item)
    3. Drag the items to be sold to the ‘sell’ icon/box (with the cash register)
    4. Confirm that you want to sell the items:
  • To sell individual items in a ‘stack’ (a grouping of the same item)
    1. Open the stack(click the number in the top right corner of the thumbnail of the stack)
    2. Select one individual item from the pop-up
    3. Drag the individual item to the ‘sell’ icon/box (with the cash register)
  • If you have “Multiselect” to “On” you will be able to select as many of the items as you want in the stack (after you have opened the stack, see above) then drag them to the ‘sell’ icon/box (with the cash register)
    1. Open the stack(click the number in the top right corner of the thumbnail of the stack – see above)
    2. Select as many items from the open stack as you want to sell
    3. Drag them to the ‘sell’ icon/box (with the cash register)
  • If you have want to sell more than one different item in the Sim’s personal inventory…
    1. Set “Multiselect” to “On”…
    2. Select multiple items to sell…
    3. Drag the items to be sold to the ‘sell’ icon/box (with the cash register)
    4. Confirm that you want to sell the items:
    Thanks for helping sort this out, CGrant56!

Sort Your Sim’s Personal Inventory

Your Sim’s personal inventory now has sort options, item filters, favorites, collection sorting and tracking, and more!

  • Open your Sim’s personal inventory:
    (box icon on the lower right when your Sim is the active Sim)
    Here you will find the following options:
  • Set favorite items in your Sim’s personal inventory
  • “Sort By” filter:
  • “Filter Items” > opens “Filter Panel” > (Example: “Gardening” selected):

Sell Household Inventory

  • Household inventory is found by clicking on the box on the bottom left of the screen while in build mode:
  • Drag a single item to be sold to the ‘sell’ icon (of the $ sign on the left) to sell:
  • Drag a stack of multiple items to the $ sign on the left to sell. You will get a popup where you can choose how many of the items in the stack to sell:

Too Much in Your Inventory?

If your Sim has a large household inventory or personal inventory, there are several helpful things you may want to be aware of:

  • Personal Inventory can be sold, and in a much more efficient manner than in the past. (see above)
  • It’s possible topurge the personal inventory (see the section below), but you will not make any simoleons (money) doing so.
  • You are not able to purge the household inventory.
  • If you own the Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack your Sim will have the option of recycling many of the items from their household and personal inventory using the Guntdach Home Recycler. This will reduce the items to “Bits & Pieces”, which can be used to craft other items. This can be done as a group selection, which is quite handy if you have a lot of items.
  • Do you have high bills?
    – A huge inventory of produce can equal huge bills!

    I have noticed that a huge inventory of valuable harvestables that were in both the personal inventories and the household inventory gave one of my Sim households a HUGE household bill. I about fell off my chair when their household bills came due at over $65,000! It turned out that this was mainly caused by the stockpile of valuable harvestables in both the personal inventories and the household inventory. It took me at least two hours to sell all of their produce, but that was the issue! Their next bills were reasonable… and after I sold all of the produce, they were millionaires!!!

How can I avoid a huge inventory?

  • When you harvest your garden, only harvest what you need first, and only keep a moderate stock of the produce. Sell the rest.
  • When you move, move the furniture and personal items you want to keep in to your household inventory before you initiate the move. Otherwise everything in the house – I mean everything – will end up in your household inventory. Right down to every TP holder, piece of fruit, and debug item. To do this…
    1. Move the furniture and personal items you want to keep in to your household inventory.
    2. Initiate ‘Move Household’:
    3. Keep or Sell Furniture? Personally I would sell it (as I said, after you have moved to household inventory anything you want to keep)… but that’s up to you!

Stuck Inventory Items

Sometimes items are stuck in personal or household inventory. ‘Stuck’ meaning that you are unable delete or sell them in the normal way. I have found that sometimes items can get ‘buggy’ and interfere with my ability to sell items under them in the stack. Following are some workarounds that I’ve tried and liked:

  • In some situations I’ve experimented with the ‘Set as Head‘ cheat.
  • In the case of certain small items stuck in a stack in the Sim’s personal inventory, I’ve also had success opening the stack, going to the items that are ‘stuck’, then for each one in live mode tell the Sim to ‘place in world’. The Sim should then lay the item down in front of them on the ground. Then you can drag it to sell to delete it… but don’t grab and hit the delete button or it will just go back in to inventory.
  • If items are stuck in the Sims’ personal inventory, you can try purging the inventory. Please remember, though, that when you do this all of the items will be deleted and your Sim will not receive any simoleons (money) for them. So… I would recommend that you first remove any items that are valuable and not stuck from the Sim’s inventory. Either move them to the household inventory, another Sim’s personal inventory, or onto the ground or a storage container on their lot. Where you can lay/store/move them will vary depending on what the item is.

    1.Enable Testing Cheats:
    • With your lot open, press Shift+Control+C to open the cheat console box (upper left of your screen). Enter the following in the cheat code box…
    testingcheats on (press enter): (Note: testingcheats true also works)
    • You will see a confirmation message: “Cheats are enabled”:

    2. Purge personal inventory:
    • Enter the following in the cheat code box…
    inventory.purge (press enter)

    3. Disable Testing Cheats:

    Enter the following in the cheat code box…
    • testingcheats off (press enter): (Note: testingcheats false also works)
    • You will see a confirmation message: “Cheats are disabled”: